“The proper teaching is recognized with ease. You can know it without fail because it awakens within you that sensation which tells you this is something you’ve always known.”

Frank Herbert

“the mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”

Frank Herbert

“I'm the well-trained fruit tree. Full of well-trained feelings and abilities and all of them grafted onto me”

Frank Herbert

“Where Thufir Hawat goes, death and deceit follow.”

Frank Herbert

“we can say that Muad’Dib learned rapidly because his first training was in how to learn. And the first lesson of all was the basic trust that he could learn. It is shocking to find how many people do not believe they can learn, and how many more believe learning to be difficult. Muad’Dib knew that every experience carries its lesson.”

Frank Herbert

“Hard tasks need hard ways.”

Frank Herbert

“People need hard times and oppression to develop psychic muscles.”

Frank Herbert

“How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.”

Frank Herbert

“And always, he fought the temptation to choose a clear, safe course, warning 'That path leads ever down into stagnation.”

Frank Herbert

“When law and duty are one, united by religion, you never become fully conscious, fully aware of yourself. You are always a little less than an individual.”

Frank Herbert

“A plan depends as much upon execution as it does upon concept.”

Frank Herbert

“When a Truthsayer's gifted by the drug, she can look many places in her memory - in her body's memory. We look down so many avenues of the past... but only feminine avenues... Yet there's a place no Truthsayer can see. We are repelled by it, terrorized. It is said a man will come one day and find in the gift of the drug his inward eye. He will look where we cannot - into both feminine and masculine pasts... Many men have tried the drug... so many, but none has succeeded." "They tried and failed, all of them?" "They tried and died.”

Frank Herbert

“Then came the Butlerian Jihad—two generations of chaos. The god of machine-logic was overthrown among the masses and a new concept was raised: “Man may not be replaced.” Those”

Frank Herbert

“That which makes a man superhuman is terrifying.”

Frank Herbert

“Arrakis makes us moral and ethical.”

Frank Herbert

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